George Logan



For Congress

New Republican Leadership
Washington & Connecticut Need


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Sensible Leadership Connecticut Can Count On

Time and time again politicians create more problems than they solve. It’s time for something different. It’s time for sensible, experienced, reliable leadership. img-signature

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23 hours ago
George Logan

We love our seniors! I had a great time today at the Healthcare Fair at the Farmington Senior Center. We must increase transparency for patients, lower prescription drug costs, PROTECT programs like Medicare from cuts to services, find a bipartisan solution to protect social security, and help family caregivers. ... See MoreSee Less

We love our seniors! I had a great time today at the Healthcare Fair at the Farmington Senior Center. We must increase transparency for patients, lower prescription drug costs, PROTECT programs like Medicare from cuts to services, find a bipartisan solution to protect social security, and help family caregivers.Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

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Absolutely Beautiful ❤️🇺🇸🙏

We need this man

Go team red

George, I’ve voted for you once, and I’ll vote for you again!🇺🇸🇺🇸

Mr. Logan - are you in favor of raising the age of eligibility for Social Security recipients? You indicated that you wanted to join the Republican Study Committee if elected. That committee proposed raising the age from 67 to 69.

Vote for Jahana Hayes take back a Democratic majority in the House and keep America's Hitler out of the White House. George Logan fully and unabashedly supports the fascist Donald Trump and will absolutely if given an opportunity vote with his corrupt party to install America's first self described dictator regardless of who actually wins the election. There will then never be another free and fair election. Fight fascism and vote for Jahana Hayes. “No one has ever been as dangerous to this country as Donald Trump. Now I realize he’s a total fascist. He is the most dangerous person to this country.”--General Mark A. Milley, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Donald Trump.

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2 days ago
George Logan

The Biden-Harris Administration has delivered one failure after another:

❎ DESTROYED American Energy Independence and pushed their special interest group allies Green New Deal Agenda from banning everything from plastic straws to banning gas cars
❎ BOTCHED the Afghanistan withdrawal costing 13 brave service members' lives
❎ CRUSHED our wallets, with prices rising 20.1% since Biden took office
❎ ENDANGERED us by creating a crisis at our southern border and abandoning our allies, emboldening our enemies and undermining American principles of peace through strength
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She couldn’t think of one thing she would have done differently 🤯

These past four years have been absolutely horrible

Gave Afghans our military equipment & gave our air base there to China

All of the above and some

Good Luck George, I hope for the sake of CT and Our Country that you are victorious in the race against Hayes

Nothing worse than the border

How about Senator Blumenthal, corruption in the USCG, where is his follow up after his PSI Committee's involvement?

Why was Trump a horrible president? Can somebody give me a list of what he did wrong? ( the media did a terrible job of reporting it. I’m amazed at how few people realize the records he set: First President in history to serve a full term and increase the deficit every year he was in office. First President in history to maintain a debt to GDP ratio over 100% for his entire term Highest annual budget deficit Most added to the national debt in a single term Most new unemployment claims Largest single day point drop in the history of the Dow First President in almost a century to lose jobs in his first term First major party candidate in half a century to lose the popular vote twice Longest government shutdown in history (and he did that while his own party controlled both chambers of Congress) First President in the history of approval ratings to maintain a net negative approval rating for his entire term First President to be impeached twice First President to have bipartisan support for his conviction after impeachment (which happened both times) Most indictments, guilty pleas, and criminal convictions of members of an administration And again, that’s just a few of the records! There are so many more things he accomplished! He flatlined a strong economy even before the pandemic. He wasted millions on golfing (with much of that going back to into his own pockets). He wasted millions more rebranding part of the Air Force to look like Star Trek cosplayers. He wasted billions more on an idiotic vanity wall that’s already falling over. He told tens of thousands of lies. He violated the Emoluments Clause and the Hatch Act more times than I can remember. Plus he sabotaged our operations in Afghanistan, sabotaged gas prices with an idiotic deal with OPEC to create a global oil shortage, forgot what country he bombed at least once, tweeted a classified a photo, and he committed a war crime by ordering the assassination of an Iranian general in violation of international treaties. Then there were all of his brilliant ideas that were never realized. Like preventing wildfires by raking the forests, nuking hurricanes, and treating Covid by cutting open people’s lungs and wiping them down with Lysol and letting them dry in the sun. Just think how much more he could have accomplished if those godless liberals hadn’t stopped him from suspending the Constitution and declaring himself President for life! Why did Trump's tax cut fail to have any visible effect on U.S. investment? ( had a tremendous effect. Prior to his tax bill, the Dow was growing at 16.2% annually going back to Obama’s recovery act. From his tax bill until the economy’s peak before Covid, the Dow grew at an unimpressive 5.8% annually. By 2019, the economy had slowed so much that the Fed lowered interest rates for the first time since Bush was President, and Trump himself complained that they didn’t commit to do more to prevent a recession. So the rate of investment growth slowed by ab out 2/3 before the pandemic, and lower interest rates meant low-risk investments like savings accounts also were less profitable. Maga is so brainwashed you can see soap bubbles flowing from their ears.🫧🫧🫧🫧🫧🫧🧼🧼🧼🧼

Spot on !!! And the crazy thing many people will vote for this mess again!

Yep, a triple decker all hiding the Corruption in the USCG

Funny for 4 years Republicans bragged about their 401 k and how the stock market was so high. It's at record why so quiet? And still waiting for Mexico to pay for the wall.

How about Senator Chris Murphy,,, corruption in the long

George Logan no offense prices were higher under trump then Obama and prices were higher under Obama then Bush and so on. It's corporate America and record profits.

Gas price in Plainville today...double what it was on Election Day 2020 (11/3)



I love the fake cops in your TV ad.


Fentanyl is used in surgery, in hospital recovery and as a cancer pain medication. Reclassifying it would prevent it being used in medicine. That's how stupid this trumpanzee is What is the legal classification of fentanyl? Drugs that cause similar effects include other opioids such as morphine, hydrocodone, oxycodone, hydromorphone, methadone, and heroin. What is the legal status in the Federal Control Substances Act? Fentanyl is a Schedule II narcotic under the United States Controlled Substances Act of 1970.

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3 days ago
George Logan

On Saturday, Jahana Hayes released an ad that is so patently untrue, if it had been paid for solely by her partner, the DCCC, it wouldn’t have been allowed to air.

Manipulating rules intended to provide voters with greater access to information about candidates with flat out lies is shameful.

I knew my opponents would throw the kitchen sink at me, but this is a new low. I am used to these false attack ads from the big DC campaign groups, but I expected better from the incumbent Congresswoman who knows I have made my position on abortion and Project 2025 crystal clear, and yet she chooses to spread lies and disinformation, stopping at nothing to cling to her political power in Washington.

Congresswoman Hayes must answer for the lies in her ad.

I dare the DCCC to put this commercial up on television without the partnership of the Hayes campaign, but they know they can't. This is an egregious abuse of the political advertising rules and further contributes to the erosion of trust in our political system.
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Post this in Waterbury talks sir!

I'm still voting for you

sorry to hear this .. but I hate to say that the ‘misinformation ‘ they accuse conservatives of , is rampant in their party.. so sad .. we need to secure our election integrity again🇺🇸🇺🇸

George so many folks approve of your ratings and believe in what you stand for, I’m still voting for you and you have my full support from my district here in Meriden, Ct! Continue your strong efforts in this race and let no small superficial contender demonize what you or our party has to offer. Let’s vote for change my fellow Republicans here in this district and all that George stands for rise to the occasion of defeat with a smile.. 😊

At this point, lies are all she has against you. We've got your back, George!

Thanks for letting us all know George.

She obviously very nervous about being voted out of office

George, it’s called desperation… keep up the good work 👏

She’s desperate.

“A hit dog will holler”

Hey George would love a yard sign as the are a few of your opponents in my neighborhood I pm’s you. It have not received a response how do I get a sign!

George stay strong and focused on your campaign. The Democrat's can't focus on the issues because they caused them.

I am sickened by it. At the end when Johanna says “I approve this message” is so telling. Shame on her!

Keep at it George, you have Southbury’s support!

You’re out working her big time. Keep it up!

She’s getting desperate! Go George!

So Mr. Logan please tell me who these 3 “policemen” are (ostensibly in Danbury) that you have in your ad about letting illegals into our country.  Come clean with it, George. 

Your add with the fake cops is untrue and ridiculous try the truth for a changer or is all that republicans do is lie

I am Voting for You.

Democrats know George Logan has very good odds to win the 5th District!

“Among Logan's contributors are dozens of Republican House members who on Jan. 6, 2021 - after a mob of as many as 2,500 people rioted in the U.S. Capitol - voted against certifying President Joe Biden's victory. “Johnson's American Revival PAC has given Logan $10,000, according to House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, also of Louisiana and who like Johnson, voted against the Electoral College certification, has either personally or through leadership PACs given Logan more than $42,000, according to the FEC. “In fact, tens of thousands of dollars have flowed from Republican House members who objected to giving Biden the ceremonial Electoral College victory after the mass violence against police resulted in the evacuation of the House chamber; nearly $3 million in damage to the building; and the arrests of more than 1,400 people, more than 1,000 of whom have been convicted. “Logan received contributions from the Republican House campaigns of Jerry Carl of Alabama, Jodey Arrington of Texas, Burgess Owens from Utah, Harold Rogers of Kentucky, David Rouzer of North Carolina, Garret Graves of Louisiana, Lisa McClain of Michigan, Rick Allen of Georgia, Ron Estes of Kansas, Carol Miller of West Virginia, Andy Harris of Maryland, Brian Babin of Texas, Greg Murphy of North Carolina, Buddy Carter of Georgia, Debbie Lesko of Arizona and John Joyce of Pennsylvania. “Other contributions to Logan came from PACs that are not as transparent as candidate committees. A $5,000 contribution originated from JAM PAC, which is controlled by conservative Rep. Lloyd Smucker of Pennsylvania.. America's First PAC is controlled by U.S. Rep. Robert Wittman of Virginia and gave Logan's campaign $1,000. The Greater Tomorrow PAC, which gave Logan $5,000, is sponsored by U.S. Rep. Glenn Thompson of Pennsylvania. A contribution of $2,000 came from the Funding Developing Leadership PAC controlled by U.S. Rep. Frank D. Lucas of Oklahoma. The Conservative Leadership in Elections PAC, led by U.S. Rep. Ben Cline of Virgina gave Logan $1,000, while Raptor PAC, sponsored by U.S. Rep. August Pfluger of Texas contributed $5,000 to Logan. The Big Ideas Create Excellence PAC, controlled by U.S. Rep. Stephanie Bice of Okalhoma gave Logan's campaign $1,000. The First in Freedom PAC, controlled by U.S. Rep. Richard Hudson of North Carolina, gave Logan's team $2,500. “Logan said that he is not influenced by the source of campaign funds, with many of those elected officials voting against codifying the results.”


What did the ad say that was not true?

I have yet to hear many truthful Dems

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4 days ago
George Logan

Washington Harvest Fest ✌🏾🍁 ... See MoreSee Less

Washington Harvest Fest ✌🏾🍁Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

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Go Team Logan

Go team red

Mark Levin showing Democrats real abortion goals

So now the MAGA Party is going to use the military to lock up citizens that disagree with them. Trump's words not mine.

5 days ago
George Logan

St. Jude’s Hospital does an extraordinary service for families with kids with cancer. At their hospital, kids are treated at no monetary cost to their families. They turn patients into survivors.

It was an easy decision to support their great mission today at the Meriden Rod and Gun Club.
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St. Jude’s Hospital does an extraordinary service for families with kids with cancer. At their hospital, kids are treated at no monetary cost to their families. They turn patients into survivors. 

It was an easy decision to support their great mission today at the Meriden Rod and Gun Club.Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

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I was a great day there and plenty of good food. Will be a repeat supporter of this event.

Glad to see you George

Go Team Logan

Go team red

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